Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 3/24/10

Amended and Approved on 4/28/10

Meeting was held at the Sharon Community Center


Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan

David Milowe, Clerk -  absent

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer



Peg Arguimbau, Charter Commission

Andy Nebenzhal, Charter Commission

Paul Pietal, Charter Commission



Chair Report

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chair Paul Lauenstein and the Chair’s Report was read.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Price moved to approve the meeting minutes of 3/10/10 as amended. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Form A



Charter Commission

Mr. Andy Nebenzhal of the Charter Commission provided the Board with an overview of the Charter Commission and its goals. He stated that the Commission took a holistic view of Town government to determine how to best set it up. Officials of the Town as well as Board members of other committees were all interviewed. From the legislative side he said, with relation to Town Meeting, it is frustrating that changes are made, for example, to zoning articles and people are handed changes on the evening of the meeting. The Commission is suggesting a 17 member Legislative Committee to run the Town government. He is suggesting that a narrative version of issues be provided to the people so that they can understand what is being proposed. The Legislative Committee with the charter would take the place of Town Meeting in determining budgets. The Legislative Committee would be made up of 7 at-large members, plus 2 per precinct for a revolving two year term. He stated this would be a model that would allow for more people to serve. If a matter was to be discussed at Town Meeting, 300 signatures on a petition would be needed. The Selectmen would then call a Town Meeting. Mr. Nebenzhal said that the root problems in the current system are 1) What happens before Town Meeting, 2) People are not prepared to effectively deliberate at Town Meeting, 3) People are enfranchised or disenfranchised by the current system, they just can’t make the meeting and participate in the process, 4) Collaboration, Town Meeting makes quixotic decisions. Sometimes the decision is made by a compelling argument but you find out later that the information is incorrect.


Ms. Sloan stated she admires the effort but has questions. She is concerned that the Charter does not provide checks and balances. Members of currently elected Committees and Boards would be appointed by the Selectmen which would allow too much control to the Select Board.


Mr. Nebenzhal said he was not sure what powerful small Town government would be replaced. He thinks this would enhance the decision making process. They wanted to design a more effective way.


Ms. Sloan said that a Town of this size is small enough that the ball can roll in the wrong direction. We need to be careful about power. She is concerned that there would no longer be an elected body for the Planning Board.


Mr. Nebenzhal stated that the Charter would be reviewed every 10 years and amendments can be made.


Ms. Price said she thinks this is a more flexible process than Town Meeting. She commended the Committee for their hard work. She disagreed with the need for a long range planning committee as it would be a duplication of what the Planning Board does now.


Ms. Arguimbau said this needs to be viewed from the bigger picture. By adoption of this document, people cannot speak on this a topic or vote on the topic. They will not have a vote. The 17 person legislative committee would be the controlling body. For those that want to be heard, Town Meeting is the correct vehicle. The implication of passing the Charter, would be to remove the current voice of the people, this is in jeopardy of being lost. She urged to keep the good ideas of the Charter but that we may not want to change the legislative body.


Zoning Changes

Peter O’Cain advised that there is a Zoning Article sponsored by the Board of Selectmen. A change of use is being requested for the allowed use in Rural District 2. They want to allow for recreational use. He said the goal for this is to allow the lease of a portion of the Sacred Heart property for a private recreational use facility.


Fee Modifications

Peter O’Cain briefly discussed fee modifications to section 2.5 Filing Fees and 3.3.2 Contents sections of the Planning Board Regulations.


Next meeting dates

4/14, 4/28



Ms. Price moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.